LG Chem is aiming to begin mass-manufacturing of thermal hole fillers in 2026
LG Chem declared that it’ll collaborate with HL Mando, a main Korean automotive parts maker, to co-develop adhesives for automobile electronic additives. This move targets to increase LG Chem’s presence in the automotive adhesive market.
HL Mando, a advanced global Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) enterprise with in the HL Group, evolved core additives for autonomous driving solutions and vehicle protection. The enterprise additionally leads the standardization of electronic components and materials in the HL Group’s automotive zone.
LG Chem will regulate joint mission development and alertness testing with HL Mando on thermal gap fillers for advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) control components consisting of cameras and radars, and insulating adhesives for automobile steerage and braking systems. In specific, LG Chem will enlarge the scope of collaboration to include thermal and adhesive materials for next-generation digital components.
In general, thermal gap fillers for ADAS manage components are characterised by high thermal conductivity and endure various torture test as they need excessive reliability. LG Chem has the technology to improve the thermal conductivity and stability of existing thermal gap fillers for better reliability. LG Chem is aiming to begin mass-manufacturing of thermal gap fillers in 2026.
“We are dedicated to develop customized solutions and eco-friendly technologies concerning adhesives, spanning from automotive bodies to numerous digital components,” stated Kim Dong-choon, President of LG Chem’s Advanced Materials Company. “We will give innovative and dependable adhesive solutions by our collaboration with HL Mando.”